I want to apologize for the clitoris.
You see, if you subscribed to my blog on Patheos.com, you haven’t heard from me in a while. If you subscribed to my blog on my old WordPress.com site, you haven’t heard from me in even longer. You did, however, received a re-introduction via an email yesterday, notifying you of the new posting of an old post, “A Heavy-Handed Ode to the Clitoris.”
‘Tis fitting, since the final motivation for my moving my blog off Patheos involved their removal of that particular post from my blog. So, as we built (actually, Kym Barney, of Kymography Design Studio* built it – I just paid her and tried keep my pestering to a minimum,) my new, independent, shiny and pretty and professional-looking blog, we realized we needed to add my “Ode” back into my blog. In so doing, we inadvertently sent out an email to ALL of you subscribers, saying, essentially “Read about the Clitoris!!!”
Not exactly how I intended to ease back into blogging on my own site, but pretty typical of my technological incompetence and inability to do things in the right order, and also our rush to get it up and running before BlogHer2015. Which begins tomorrow.
Anyhow, now that I’m back on my own blog, and it is self-hosted (which means very little to many of you, but apparently it’s more grown-up and profesh-like), THIS is the post I’d hoped to use to re-introduce my renovated blogging home.
I’ve narrowed my writing focus to the blog and The Broad Side, and I’m very much looking forward to making waves, jokes, inappropriate remarks, poetry, bad drawings and good analysis in both my writing homes. I just hope I don’t have to refinance anytime soon.
Please let yourself in, pour yourself a drink, and make yourself at home. Poke around, but don’t break anything. Truly, Kym did her wizard-computer stuff so incredibly well, I might ask her to do a blog renovation every month.
Anyhow, hopefully you enjoyed the sudden appearance of the word “Clitoris” in your email boxes, yesterday, and points for bravery if you actually read it. Thank you. Thank you very much. It won a BlogHer 2015 Voice of the Year Award.
*Kym is so incredibly busy designing sites for others and doing it in record turn-around time, that her own site is still under development. If you’d like to reach her, email her at hello@kymographydesignstudio.com.
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