Baruch ata Adonai Elohenu, melekh ha’olam, (Blessed art thou, Lord our God, King of the Universe)
Who protects innocent bloggers from Internet shaming for mediocre singing,
Especially since this one justs want to make people laugh,
Like, let’s say, some Jews who’ve not been feeling so great, O Lord,
Because of some drek that goes on down here, but don’t let me bother you with that.
Also, may this blog post make as many people laugh as possible,
But not so many that Elton John’s people come after the author
With a Cease and Desist order because, O Lord, she swears,
She is making no money whatsoever from the dozens of hours
She put into the creation of this song re-write and video.
That was excellent. I laughed. I cried. I called my doctah.
Nu? You want me I should schlep over there to take care of you?
Love it. Can’t stop playing it. Sent it to my mom who also loves it 🙂
<3 <3 <3