Dear America, We need to talk. I love you very much. You are a magnificent place to live, grow up, and enjoy freedoms the strongest democracy on earth can provide. Like any human body with an illness, though, as much as you’d like to look away, you shouldn’t. You have complex and deep sicknesses afflicting […]
Four More Years…Please?
I want Barack Obama to continue as our president for the next four years. “Oh, my goodness, I am SO SHOCKED to hear this!” said no one who has met me ever. Reasons range from shallow to profound, and from micro-specific to enormously broad. Let’s start with the obvious. 1. Obama is a friend of […]
Hey, Ann Coulter –
Dear Ann Coulter, I will keep this short, and use small words so that you have a chance of understanding getting what I’m saying. As the author of the following tweet from last night’s debates, you should be ashamed. For your edification improvement er, info, the word “retard” is defined by Merriam-Webster here. It has many legitimate acceptable um, […]
Fun With Words Friday!
My friend, Estelle, of Musings on Motherhood and Midlife, is starting a weekly feature on her blog called “Fun With Words Friday.” She gives us a topic (this week, it’s women and politics, in honor of the debates) and challenges us to write a short poem or limerick on that topic. You know me. I […]
Is That a Birdseed Milkshake?
I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there’s a presidential election coming up soon. In this country. America. Last Wednesday evening, the two presidential candidates (one of whom is already President) squared off to talk about domestic policy. I was prepared for a good show, but it was boooooooooooring. I mean, generally, no one can […]
Doing the Right Thing – Part 1 of 2
“Imagine those poor guys over there. Every five minutes a psycho with a machine gun says, ‘Let’s kill ’em now,’ and someone else says, ‘No, let’s wait a while.’ How long could you stand that?” So asked Frank Shorter, an American long-distance Olympic runner. It was a good question, and it wasn’t hypothetical. He was […]